
Jazz Harmony Guide

Original price was: £16.00.Current price is: £8.00.



80% of jazz standards use 20% of the same chord progressions.

So, by knowing the 20%, you will be prepared for 80% of jazz standards.

This guide teaches you:

➢ The theory behind each progression.

➢ How to improvise over each progression.

➢ How to spot recurring progressions within a standard.

➢ How to combine different progressions.

In other words, you are going to have the necessary skills to break down
seemingly complex chord progressions and feel confident over them.

The 80/20 rule also applies to jazz language.

You can generate 80% of your language by utilising 20% of your lines.

So, you are also going to learn how to maximise your harmonic language over
different jazz chord types and progressions.


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